Shelter and Relief

The mission of the relief sector is focused on securing basic assistance for the most vulnerable families, and providing them with foodstuffs and other life needs, which secures for them the conditions for a decent life. It also includes rapid response in emergency situations, such as storms, disasters, and conflicts, to preserve lives and alleviate suffering as much as possible.

In numbers

Food aid
1 +
Non-food aid
Emergency Relief

Relief sector areas of work

Food aid
Which aims to secure the necessary foodstuffs for the most needy individuals according to the conditions recommended by the global Sphere guide, through the distribution of bread, food rations, and others, given the great and urgent need for this type of aid, especially in light of the growing crises in the region and around the world.
Non-food aid
Which contributes to providing the basic living needs of the neediest individuals, especially sleeping supplies, clothes, personal and household hygiene items, kitchen utensils, heating tools in winter, and others.
Emergency Relief
This part of the sector is concerned with achieving rapid response in times of emergencies and crises resulting from weather conditions, natural disasters, or conflicts.

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